
[SU]: Tolmin

⚠️ 3 HOURS LEFT TO APPLY ⚠️ ? TOLMIN ? Tolmin is also one of our destinations as well as one of the most popular tourist destinations in Slovenia. ☺️ The historic significance of the Tolmin […]


[SU]: Bled

⚠️ONLY 2️⃣ DAYS TO APPLY ⚠️ ? BLED? Bled is one of the most popular tourist destinations in Slovenia. ☺️ How wouldn’t it be; it features a lake with an island where you can get married? […]


[SU]: Velika Planina

⚠️ONLY 3️⃣ DAYS TO APPLY ⚠️ ? VELIKA PLANINA PLATEAU ? Velika Planina Plateau or the Big Pasture Plateau is a mountain plateau that measures 5.8 square kilometres and has an average elevation of 1,500 […]


[SU]: Maribor

⚠️ONLY 4️⃣ DAYS TO APPLY ⚠️ ? MARIBOR ? Maribor is the second-largest city in Slovenia and home to AEGEE-Maribor, of course. ? Most of you might think it is a small city, but there is plenty it […]


[SU]: Ljubljana

⚠️ONLY 5️⃣ DAYS TO APPLY ⚠️ Let us present you some of the cities and tourist attractions we will visit on our Slow Summer Humour Summer University. Maybe, just maybe, we convince you […]


SLOw Summer Humor

Dear Adventurers! WHAT: SLOw Summer Humor WHEN: July 31st–August 14th WHERE: Ljubljana, Maribor and plenty of gorgeous Slovene towns WHO: 40 amazing participants FEE: 210 EUR AEGEE-Ljubljana and AEGEE-Maribor invite […]



[POLETNA UNIVERZA] V Italiji je čar piedmontskih vinogradov spoznavala Teja. ? ➡️ Ime SU: W.I.N.E. – Water Isn’t Nutritious Enough ➡️ Kdaj: Julij 2017 ➡️ Organizator: AEGEE-Torino ➡️ Naljubši spomin/i: Boat trip ob obali Camoglija, San […]



[POLETNA UNIVERZA] Naj nas najprej Andreja popelje v Španijo, v sončno Valencio. ?? ➡️ Ime SU: The SUrvivors of the Middle AEGEEs ➡️ Kdaj: 18.8.-1.9.2017 ➡️ Kje: Travelling Summer University: Castellón de la Plana, Morella, Peñiscola, […]